Garoet - Java

Garoet – Java

On 14th April 1942 a group of mostly 2/3rd machine gunners left Leles for Garoet where they remained until 22nd June. The camp was located in the High School buildings that were serviced with light, water and sewerage. In June the POWs were moved to Bandoeng to Camp No. 12, the 15th Depot Battalion Barracks Camp where they met up with other Australians from 2/2nd Casualty Clearing Station.

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On 22 June 1942 more than 600 Australian and British POWs arrived at Bandeong looking rather untidy with long, dirty hair and beards!  The men were a mixed lot including 2/4rd MGB, RAF and others.  Unfamiliar with Japanese drill, they rather expected to be saluted by the Japanese!

Location of Garoet - Java (exact)