Sakata, Sendai #9-B - Japan

Sakata, Sendai #9-B – Japan

The men were used as stevedores at the train yards and at the docks, loading and unloading all forms of materials, including military equipment and ammunition. Some work at small foundry. Port of Sakata on west coast of Honshu. NITTSU also known as Nippon Express.

Bert Wall later described Sakata Camp as a barbed wire enclosed compound about 75 x 50 yards. It was a rice ware house converted to billets by adding a wooden floor. It was approximately  8′ off the ground and was reached by climbing vertical ladders. The floor was covered with straw mats for sleeping, we were issued 3 blankets. There were sliding doors on exposed north and west sides.


Soldiers that were in this camp

Location of Sakata, Sendai #9-B - Japan