Affidavit War Trials. Hinnrichsen, Frank WX8198 from Kawasaki-Kobe House (Osaka area)

POWs everywhere had difficulty with Japanese and Korean names – and as is the Australian way, they gave guards everywhere, descriptive names which they used in their War Affidavits – identified those guilty of brutality by photographs.
Names included Boy Bastard, Boy Bastard’s father, Mad Mongrel, Scar-faced Terror, Peanut; and below George Formby and Horseface.
WX8198 Frank Hinnrichsen ‘J’ Force Wales Maru Party and Kobe House prepared the following Affidavit for the War Trials.

Below: Hinnrichsen


Kawasaki-Kobe House (Osaka area)
 Kawasaki - Kobe House P2
Kawasaki – Kobe House P2
Kawasati- Kobe House P 3
Kawasati- Kobe House P 3