122 Km Camp, Thailand (Sonkurai Region) 293.00 - (Williams Mobile Force Sep to Dec 1943)

122 Kilo Camp – Thailand (Sonkurai Region)

Williams Force was here from 25 Sept 1943 to 26 Dec 1943. 

This camp was in the vicinity of Sonkurai No. 2 Camp 294 km point of rail link.  It was here that 600 Bridge was constructed by the British of ‘F’ Force with a great loss of life.
The majority of men from Williams Force marched to this camp from 116 km however 80 sick and the baggage were transported by rail motor.
This camp was considered better than Kami Sonkurai 116 km, but was still overcrowded.  The grounds were not awash with mud, but there were no atap palm leaves on the huts and they offered little protection from the weather.



Location of 122 Km Camp, Thailand (Sonkurai Region) 293.00 - (Williams Mobile Force Sep to Dec 1943)