Anakwin 45 Km Camp - Burma ( Anderson & Williams Forces)

Anankwin 45 km Camp – Burma

No 1 Mobile Force moved here while laying the rails & sleepers before moving to the 60 kilo camp.

Anderson & Williams Forces 24 April to 13 May 1943.

The combined Anderson and Williams Forces left Tanyin 35 km Camp by train on evening of 24th April 1943 to travel to Anankwin 45 km Camp.
From this camp onwards, the Japanese did not permit movement from one camp to the next during working hours – so as not to interfere with the progress of railway construction work! The men would carry their tools and personal belongings to the job in the morning and at the end of day would move onto the next camp often in the dark.
Anankwin was 45 kilometres from Thanbyuzayat.  It became an important station with a  locomotive depot and engine sheds  with siding facilities.
The next move for Williams Force was on 13 May 1943 to Taungzun 57 km Camp.




Location of Anakwin 45 Km Camp - Burma ( Anderson & Williams Forces)