The Soldier's Details
- Surname:
- Pummell
- First Name:
- Ephraim Albert
- Nick Name:
- Eddie
- Rank:
- Lance Corporal
- Regimental #:
- WX9946
- Classification:
- Bootmaker
- Company:
- Headquarters Company, No. 3 Platoon, Attached 2/4th, Australian Army Ordnance Corps
- Enlisted:
- 11.12.1940
- Discharged:
- 11.12.1945
- DOB:
- 4.08.1914
- Place of Birth:
- Leicester, England
- Father's Name:
- Ephraim Edward Pummell
- Mothers's Name:
- Ethel Emily Pummell (nee Crowe)
- Religion:
- Church of England
- Pre-war Occupation:
- Boot Repairer
- Singapore:
- Selarang Camp Changi; Serangoon Road Camp; Selarang Barracks Changi. Following Thailand - A.G.H. Roberts Barrack Changi (big toe on right foot amputated early 1944); Changi Gaol Camp
- Force:
- ‘F’ Force Thailand
- Camps Thailand:
- Shimo Sonkurai
- POW#:
- 4/6526
- Return Details 1945:
- Singapore-Darwin‐Sydney, lst Netherlands Military Hospital Ship Oranje; Sydney-Melbourne-Perth by troop train
General Description
Eddie enlisted AIF 11 Dec 1940 and joined Australian Army Ordnance Corps attached to 2/4th as Bookmaker.
Lance Corporal Pummel was one of 100s of 2/4th boys who jumped ship (Aquitania) when it anchored overnight on its journey to Singapore. Bert Norton mentioned his name. Please read He was also one of most men who managed to reboard.
Pummel left Singapore as a POW to work on Burma-Thai railway with ‘F’ Force. Please read further about this Force.
He was one of the very fortunate to survive ‘F’ Force Returning to Singapore when the Rail was completed around end of 1943 Pummell was sent to AGH Roberts Barracks, Changi where he had his big toe on his right foot amputated early 1944.
Below: 48 2/4th men joined ‘F’ Force Thailand. Compiled by Harold Cowie.
He was recovered from Changi Gaol Camp at the end of the war.
Eddie was born Leicester England to Ephrain Edward and Ethel Pummel who had married 1912, he was one of a large family of eight children.
The Pummell family arrived in WA in 1924 on Demosthenes. Eddie was 9 years old.
In 1936 Electoral Roll Eddie is residing with his parents
Angelo Street, South Perth. Both father and son are boot repairers.
In 1943 Electoral Roll he was residing Angelo Street, South Perth working as a labourer. 1958, 1963 Eddie and Audrey are in Onslow Road, Subiaco with Eddie a boot repairer.
Eddie married Audrey May Linfoot during 1940. They had a family of four children Robert, Ephraim, Lorraine and Leonie. Their first child was born 1941.
Below: The Pummell family celebrate their parent’s 38th wedding anniversary.
Eddie’s youngest brother died aged 22 years.
Eddie’s mother died in 1968 and his father in 1962.
Eddie died on 21 February 1968 aged 53 years. Audrey died 202 at Mandurah.
Audrey was born 1917 to Montague Linfoot and Kathleen Annakin who married 1912 Harewood, Yorkshire, England.
Audrey’s father Vivian (Montague) Charles Linfoot enlisted WW1 4 Dec 1916 Service No. 44171 44th Battalion. He was discharged May 1919.
He died 20 Feb 1957. Her mother Kathleen died 1983.
Above: 1918 Audrey’s sister Eileen Mary died aqed 5 years when their father was away with AIF’s 44th Btn.
Audrey would spend her younger years growing up at Lake Brown.
Both parents were born in England and it appears bravely took up land at Lake Brown however they were much challenged when a fire burnt them out about 1926.
Below: Kathleen’s sister and brother 1927
Below: Kathleen Linfoot’s father and mother died in 1935.
Camp Locations:
- Changi Gaol Camp - Singapore
- Roberts Barracks Changi - Singapore
- Selarang Barracks Changi - Singapore
- Selarang Camp Changi - Singapore
- Serangoon Road Camp - Singapore
- Shimo Sonkurai, 288k - Thailand