The Soldier's Details

First Name:
Jack George
Nick Name:
Regimental #:
Headquarters Company, No. 1 Platoon
Place of Birth:
Darwin, Northern Territory
Father's Name:
George Kyriakos
Mothers's Name:
Christina Kyriakos
Greek Orthodox
Pre-war Occupation:
Selarang Camp Changi, Johore Bahru, Adam Park, Mount Pleasant Camp, Selarang Barracks Changi. Following return from Thailand - Sime Road Camp, Changi Gaol Camp
'F' Force Thailand
Camps Thailand:
Shimo Sonkurai, Sonkurai, Shimo Nikhe
Return Details 1945:
Singapore-Darwin-Sydney, HMT Arawa, Sydney-Melbourne by troop train, Melbourne-Fremantle, HMT Strathmore.

General Description

Jack enlisted AIF 15 Jan 1941 and later joined 2/4th’s Headquarters Company No. 1 Platoon under CO Lt Frank Curnow training as a Signaller. (Curnow was KIA Hill 200 12 Feb 1942)
Following the Allied surrender to Japan Jack walked to Selarang Camp, Changi.  He left Changi to Jahore Bahru with a work party, then to Adam Park.
During 1943 Jack was entrained from Singapore Station to Thailand with ‘F’ Force.


Gang of '7' Signals in Adelaide. rear L-R Ron Evans, Kack Kyros, Claude Gault, Merve wilkinson. Fr Vern Hoppe, Bill Grundy & Ted Cosson.
Gang of ‘7’ Signals in Adelaide.
rear L-R Ron Evans, Kack Kyros, Claude Gault, Merve wilkinson. fr Vern Hoppe, Bill Grundy & Ted Cosson.
During 1943 Jack was sent to work on Burma-Thai Railway with ‘F’ Force.  This work force enduring horrific conditions and too many deaths.  Please read about ‘F’ Force.
Jack was at Shimo Sonkurai, Sonkurai and Shimo Nikhe before returning to Kanchanaburi and back to Singapore Christmas 1943.
Below:  Compiled by Harold Cowie.  There were 48 men from 2/4th.

Jack returned to Singapore to Sime Road Camp.  He was recovered from Changi Gaol Camp at the end of the war.

After the War Jack changed his name to Jack Kyros


Jack Kyros contemplating at Changi Chapel
Jack Kyros  and Dick Ridgewell, contemplating at the opening of the New Changi Chapel 15/02/2002.


Singapore 1992 Rear L - R ---, Tom Hampton, ---, Les Kemp, Norm Ablett, ..., Jack Kyrios, Ted Elliot. Front L - R, Jim Gilmour, John Gilmour, ---, Ron Badock, Jim Elliot.
Singapore 1992
Rear L – R —, Tom Hampton, —, Les Kemp, Norm Ablett, …, George Williams, Jack Kyrios, Ted Elliot.
Front L – R, Jim Gilmour, John Gilmour, —, Ron Badock, Jim Elliot.


Jack George Kyros (Hatzi Kyriakos)
Jack George Kyros (Hatzi Kyriakos)
Jack was an active 2/4th MG Btn Committee Member for many years. He passed away at 90 years of age 16th July 2011.
Read “Jack George Kyros (Kyriakos) WX10715.
View Peter Winstanley’s video of interview of Jack Kyros WX10715

Listen to the oral history interview of Jack recorded in Singapore April 2000

Sunday Times 23/02/1992

Camp Locations:

  • Changi Gaol Camp - Singapore
  • Johore Bahru, - Malaysia
  • Mount Pleasant Camp - Singapore
  • Selarang Barracks Changi - Singapore
  • Selarang Camp Changi - Singapore
  • Sime Road Camp - Singapore
  • Nikhe Wood Camp, Ni Thea, 131 Kilo, 284k - Thailand
  • Songkurai 294k - Thailand
  • Shimo Sonkurai, 288k - Thailand