The Soldier's Details

First Name:
Robert James
Nick Name:
Regimental #:
'A' Company, 6 Platoon
Place of Birth:
Perth Western Australia
Father's Name:
William Alexander McKenzie-Murray
Mothers's Name:
Olive May McKenzie-Murray
Roman Catholic
Pre-war Occupation:
Commercial Traveller
Selarang Camp Changi, Thompson Road (Caldecot Hill Estate Camp), River Valley Road Camp, Selarang Barracks Changi, Following return from Thailand - Levelling Party Changi Aerodrome, P Party, X10, Changi Gaol Camp
'F' Force Thailand
Camps Thailand:
Shimo Sonkurai, Tanbaya (hospital), Kanchanaburi (hospital)
1 /12032
Return Details 1945:
Singapore-Darwin-Sydney, HMT Arawa, Sydney-Melbourne by troop train, Melbourne-Fremantle, HMT Strathmore.

General Description

The following is a description of this soldier’s movements during 1943-1945:

Departed Singapore for ‘F’ Force on 19/4/1943
Departed on 23 day march on 25/4/1943
Arrived at Shimo Sonkurai Camp on 17/5/1943
Departed for Tanbaya Hospital Camp Burma on 30/8/1943
Departed Burma by train on 28/11/1943
Arrived Kanchanaburi ‘F’ and ‘H’ Force Hospital Camp on 4/12/1943
Departed Kanchanaburi on 14/12/1942

Arrived Singapore on 18/12/1943 and on 25/12/1943 occupied huts opposite Selarang Barracks
Spent Christmas in the Garden and Wood area
Moved to Changi Gaol Camp on 10/5/1944
All men on the Levelling Party remained behind.
All civilians moved to Adam Park and Sime Road Camps.
Soldier moved to Levelling Party at Changi Aeorodrome on 14/6/1944
Removed from Levelling Party 6 days later due to repeated malaria attacks. Captain George Gwynne placed soldier on mess duties and made Medical Classification 3B.
Moved back to Levelling Party on 26/4/1945
On 10/7/1945 marched into No. 2 Camp Outside Changi Gaol Camp.

Below: 48 men from 2/4th worked Burma-Thai Railway.  Compiled by Harold Cowie.
Cowie, Harold’snlist of F Force






Above:  Prior to enlisting Robert was a salesman with Lever Bros P/L and formerly a member of West Perth ‘B’ football team.
Returning from war, Robert returned to a salesman position.  He continued with this career and resided in 2 Little Russell St,North Perth until 1972 Electoral Roll when he moved to Newboroiugh Street, Scarborough.
In 1952, Robert married Minnie ‘Minna’ Claire Forrester. They had a daughter and a son.


Bob passed away 8 Feb 1992 aged 75 years. Minnie died 15 Dec 1979 aged 60 years,