The Soldier's Details

First Name:
Edward Thomas
Nick Name:
Warrant Officer Class 2 (Promoted on 24.1.1942)
Regimental #:
‘D’ Company Headquarters
Place of Birth:
Southern Cross, Western Australia
Father's Name:
George Watt Feltham
Mothers's Name:
Martha Agnes Feltham (Alcock)
Church of England
Pre-war Occupation:
Joiner’s Mate
Selarang Camp and Barracks Changi
‘D’ Force Thailand, S Battalion
Camps Thailand:
Tonchan, Kanu II, Kanu I River Camp (evacuated with typhus 11.7.1943), Tarsau (evacuated on 8/8/1943) Chungkai, Tamuang, Tamarkan, Nacompaton, Clumphon, Nacompaton.
1/7663 and 8715
Return Details 1945:
Thailand‐Singapore by aircraft; Singapore-Fremantle, HMT Circassia

General Description

Ted Feltham with the Militia several years prior to enlisting with the AIF.  He was close mates with Alf Cough.
Feltham was wounded at Buona Vista on 15 Feb 1942 and admitted to 2/9th Field Ambulance with a shrapnel wound to his left foot.  Transferred to Roberts Barracks and discharged in June 1942 to Convalescent Depot at Selarang, he re joined unit in August 1942.
From Selarang,  Feltham was selected to work on  Burma-Thai Railway with ‘D’ Force S Battalion, departing Singapore Railway Station for Bampong, Thailand on 16th March 1943.
From Komna Transit Camp near to Bampong, the Battalion was trucked to Kanchanaburi where they stayed briefly before marching to Tarsau Camp (HQ for S Battalion). It was then to Konyu II on the Hellfire Pass Cutting on 25 April 1943.  Ted was selected to work at one of the Tonchan camps (there were at least two about 8km apart) where they worked on constructing rail bridges as well as hammer tap.
Ted moved to Konyu I camp to work and was evacuated sick with typhus 11 July 1943 to Tarsau Hospital Camp.  He was evacuated 8 August 1943 to Chungkai (Tarsau Hospital Camp conditions were appalling and it was said by the men it was a place to get out of soon as possible before death got you).
He was sent to Tamuang Camp from where the Japanese selected the fittest men to work in Japan. Ted was fortunate to miss out and may well have become sick and sent to Tamarkan and Nacompaton.  Whilst here he was selected for a work party (including a number of other 2/4th men) to work on railway bridge repairs at Chumphon – which was bombed by Allies several times.  The bridge was vital for the Japanese supply route to Burma.
He was recovered from Nacompaton Camp, Thailand on 20 August 1945.
Please read further about ‘D’ Force S Battalion
Ted’s family received news of him jin 1943 for first time since their capture at Singapore 1942 15 months earlier.


Ted’s parents George Watt Feltham and Martha (Agnes)
Alcock married 1908 Yilgarn.  Ted was born Southern Cross 1909.  The Feltham family continued residing here for many years – father George was an active member of sporting teams.
Below:  Sons George and Ted are recorded in this theatrical production.


In 1930 Ted married Lily Pearson.  In 1936 Electoral Roll Ted and Lily are residing with Ted’s parents 35 Clarence Street, North Perth.  His father then a grocer.  Brother George Garnett, hatter and sister Vivienne, hairdresser were also residing with Martha and George Feltham (Snr.)
In 1937 Ted and Lily are residing Marmion Street, North Perth he is working as joiner.  His parents with brother George and sister Vivienne continue to reside nearby at Clarence St, North Perth.


Both Ted and George are reported missing in action. George enlisted with 2/3rd MG Btn.  



Below: Lily’s mother died in May 1942.

Above: Lily Feltham is an active member of Osborne Park Patriotic Fund.






Returning from war Ted and Lily are in 1949 at Main Street, Osborne Park (there was much realignment of boundaries and suburbs) and Ted is joiner.
During 1949, Ted’s grandmother died.



At this time, Ted makes a career change –
Ted and Lily move to Boyup Brook – 1950

In 1951 – Nannup


In 1952 he is reported being at Woodanilling.










Below:  appears brother George takes up hotels too!


Ted leads a busy life at Yarloop Hotel.



Below: Departing Yarloop and moving to Trayning
Feb 1955.













Sadly Lily died 18 February 1956 at Trayning aged 43 years. English born Lily had married Ted aged 18 years.  She and Ted had been married 26 years.


Ted remarried in 1961 to Marjorie Marks.  In 1963 the couple  moved to Albany and are managing the Esplanade Hotel.
In 1968 Electoral Roll they are living Henning Crescent, Manning and Ted working as Bar Manager.
In 1977 Ted and Marjorie are residing Hassell Crescent, Bullscreek.
Below:  Bill Castles closest, Ted & Mrs Feltham, Ron and Mrs Gibbons
40th Anniversary 1985 Heritage on Charles


In July 1991 Borehole Bulletin Ted wrote a letter of thanks to all who assisted him on Anzac Day,  He thought he had angina but in fact his condition was diagnosed as heart attack.
Thanks to those who visited him at Hollywood and phoned his wife at home.


Ted died on 2nd October 1995 at Willagee.  Marjorie died in 2003.


’22 June 1998
There were two people who made a great impact on my life when I was in my early teens. Alf Cough and Ted Feltham. These two were great mates and both in the militia before the war. I believe Alf was a Lieutenant and Ted a Sergeant QM.
Ted was a foreman cabinetmaker; Alf never served an apprenticeship as a carpenter and joiner but was accepted as a top tradesman. Alf always had the ability to rise up as a leader in any path in life.
At this time I was an apprenticed carpenter and joiner, with 3-4 years completed of a 5-year course. Ted worked for Rosenbergs, Corner of Vincent and Beaufort Streets, Mt Lawley.
I boarded with his parents at 39 Lawley Street, Mt Lawley as I had come from Harvey to get a job in the city. Ted got me a job there and then moved on to work for a builder A. House, 44 Fairfield St, Mt Hawthorn as Foreman Cabinetmaker. Now Ted knew he did not have the knowledge required to be a foreman of a joiner’s shop as A. House wanted him to be, so Ted took me with him to Mt Hawthorn.
This is where Alf came in as Foreman of the Joiner’s shop and made a great impression on all the staff and his new boss. Alf came from Mussen & Sons, another Builder & Joiner. As a 4th year apprentice Alf made a great impression on me.
WWII came and people were joining up and leaving work. Alf heard the news and was off. Because of his high standing no-one would take on his job. Although I was a 4TH year apprentice, he asked me, and I did.
As soon as Alf got into the military he wanted Ted to join. Ted was a Sergeant and had to go along with Alf as a Private. Next thing I heard Ted had his stripes again and away they went.
Ted had a brother Mike who also left the Light Horse and served with 2/3rd. Both Feltham brothers and Alf came back.
On his return Alf became Chief Architect of the Housing Commission. Years later and following his retirement I heard he was reversing out of his driveway at home and was killed during a collision.
Ted was a Masonic Man, a senior man in the Druids and a great RSL person who always attended RSL Congresses. Currently Ted’s large portrait photograph hangs in the Tuart Hill RSL hall where he was President over many years. Ted lived over the road in Main Street. I helped him build his house.
Bill Hopton
Duncraig 6023
Bill enlisted in the 2/7 Artillery, 9 Division Borneo.
In 1998 he was Chairman of 2/7 and President of North Beach RSL.’
Ted led an active community life.  He was involved with several RSL Sub- Branches, 2/4th, was a Masonic man, etc.


At Yarloop he was member of Rifle Club amongst other interests.
Ted’s mother Martha Agnes Feltham died Jan 1982 South Perth.  His father George Watt Feltham died Northam 1951.


Ted Feltham died at Willagee 2 Oct 1995.


Camp Locations:

  • Selarang Barracks Changi - Singapore
  • Selarang Camp Changi - Singapore
  • Chumphon - Thailand
  • Chungkai, 60k - Thailand
  • Kanu 1 151.00k - Thailand
  • Kanu II, 152.30k - Thailand
  • Nacompaton, Nakom Pathom Hospital - Thailand
  • Tamarkan, Tha Makham 56k - Thailand
  • Tamuang, Tha Muang 39k - Thailand
  • Tarsau, Tha Sao 125k - Thailand
  • Tonchan, 139k - Thailand