The Soldier's Details

First Name:
Albert Ernest
Nick Name:
Major, Commanding Officer of 'A' Company & on 7/2/1942 Commanding Office of 'E' Company, Special Reserve Battalion
Regimental #:
‘A’ Company Headquarters
Place of Birth:
Parramatta, New South Wales
Father's Name:
Ernest Saggers
Mothers's Name:
Annabella Saggers
Church of Christ
Pre-war Occupation:
Footwear Merchant
Selarang Camp Changi, Serangoon Road Camp, Sime Road Camp, Selarang Barracks Changi. Returned from Thailand to Sime Road Camp, Changi Gaol Camp, Kranji Hospital Camp Woodlands, 2/14thAustralian General Hospital.
'H' Force Thailand, ‘H’ Force Group No. 3 (2/I.C. to Lt-Col Oakes and I.C. of pay & records)
Return Details 1945:
Singapore-Perth, Duke of Gloucester’s aircraft ‘Endeavour’

General Description

Self with Hayward and Anderson at Rapid Creek at high tide











Self with George Taylor and unknown NT
Saggers family
Major Saggers by DD Harrison 27.12.44
Major Saggers by DD Harrison 27.12.44
Major Saggers by L. Rawlings Jan 1944
Major Saggers by L. Rawlings Jan 1944
Sketch by Major Saggers 25.8.42
Sketch by Major Saggers 25.8.42


Saggers drawing of Singapore.

Major Bert Saggers enlisted AIF 21 Nov 1940 and soon after joined 2/4th MGB.  He was Commanding Officer of ‘A’ Company.
On 7 February 1942 Major Bert Saggers, Commanding Officer of ‘A’ Coy was ordered to form a Divisional Reserve Battalion for the 8th Division.
Known as ‘E’ Company Special Reserve Battalion it was to comprise two companies – ‘A’ and ‘B’, made up of Australian Service Corps personnel, and ‘E’ Company. ‘E’ Company was formed into 3 Platoons from the large number of 2/4th reinforcements who had embarked ‘Aquitania’ on 16th January 1942 at Fremantle.  Some of these young men had only enlisted during December 1941 and were completely untrained.
Arriving at Singapore the Battalion was immediately put Into training.
‘E’ Company ran into a Japanese ambush at south west Bukit Timah on 12 Feb 194 resulting in a large number of men being KIA and wounded.  The few fortunate soldiers survived and scattered into the jungle.  Some reached safety back with their CO even though all officers but one had been KIA, a few found alternative 2/4th platoons, a few made it back to Singapore and no doubt those wounded left behind were killed by the Japanese.  Please read further
Whilst POW at Adam Park, Saggers was finally granted Japanese permission to find and bury the Australian dead at SW Bukit Timah.  Please read further about this
He left Singapore with ‘H’ Force Thailand where the men would work on the Burma-Thai railway construction.  His role was 2 i/c and in charge of pay records.  Please read about ‘H’ Force

Saggers was recovered from Singapore.


Lt. O'Sullivan, Maj. Saggers and Lt. Mentiplay.
Lt. O’Sullivan, Maj. Saggers and Lt. Mentiplay.



Read further about return of Saggers 1945

Appointment Terminated 1/2/1946


Saggers was one of few soldiers who supported Gordon Bennett and Bennett’s decision to leave Singapore before capitulation to Japan.




Please read report written by Saggers about Mentiplay during fighting at Singapore.




Above;  Bert with brother Clarrie who was manpowered, Edward who was KIA.


Edward Saggers was killed at Tobruk.


Please read about Kellerberrin where Bert and Eddie’s parents resided for about 16 years.


Saggers Shoe Store, Murray Street, Perth. Doris Dore worked here after the war.


Above Map Thailand coloured by Saggers.  He left Singapore with ‘H’ Force to travel to Thailand.

Below:  View from train journey.


Above:  Saggers drawing of Malay Hamlet,  Burma-Thai Railway, Thailand 1943.



Bert Saggers died 28th December 1966 at Alfred Cove aged 67 years.  He was buried at Karrakatta Cemetery.

Camp Locations:

  • Changi Gaol Camp - Singapore
  • Kranji Camp Woodlands - Singapore
  • Selarang Barracks Changi - Singapore
  • Selarang Camp Changi - Singapore
  • Serangoon Road Camp - Singapore
  • Sime Road Camp - Singapore