The Soldier's Details

First Name:
Nick Name:
Tom or Scottie
Regimental #:
'C' Company
Place of Birth:
Ormiston, Scotland
Father's Name:
James Barbour
Mothers's Name:
Doris Edna Barbour
Pre-war Occupation:
'Blackforce', attached to the 2/3rd Machine Gun Battalion
'D' Force Thailand, Java Party No. 6, O Battaliion.
Camps Thailand:
Tarsau, Non Pladuk, Nacompaton (evacuated to Tarsau 20.8.1943 suffering from malaria and a tropical ulcer. Left leg amputated on 9.10.1943 possibly at No. 2 Hospital Camp Non Pladuk)
Return Details 1945:
Thailand-Singapore by aircraft, Singapore-Sydney, HMT Highland Chieftan, Sydney-Perth by troop train

General Description


Tom enlisted  AIF Aug 1940 and later joined 2/4th’s ‘C’
Coy.  Tom was one of hundreds of 2/4th men who took leave (against orders) and was not able to reboard ‘Aquitania’ before she sailed for Singapore on 16 Jan 1942.  Instead he was one of about 100 2/4th to land in Java where they joined the Australian Forces and were taken POWs about 9 March 1942. Please read further
From Java Tom was selected with ‘D’ Force Thailand Java Party No. 6 0 Battalion to work on the Burma-Thai Railway.  Please read further.
It is believed Tom was evacuated toTarsau Hospital Camp 20 Aug 1943 probably from Hintok, suffering from malaria and a tropical ulcer.  His left leg was amputated on 9 Oct 1943 possibly at No. 2 Hospital. Non Pladuk (now believed to be Chngkai according to record below).  He was recovered from Nacompaton Hospital Camp at the end of the war.


Above:  Tom’s name is included on the above list which is believed to be Chungkai POW Camp Hospital.  Also included on this list is Gorringe.


Barbour, Ray, 1945 St Mary's Cathedral, Perth.
Barbour, 1945 St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth.  He married Doris Smith.


Tom Barbour remained at Nacompaton until the end of then war. Other amputees from the 2/4th at Nacompaton included Syd Gorringe, Eric Ryan and Allan Bamford.  Nacompaton was located about 30 miles west of Bangkok.  Besides many amputees, POWs were sent to this camp to build up their strength following the completion of the Railway.  As their health improved slightly POWs were called out of Nacompaton in work parties.
Read further about Nacompaton Hospital Camp.
When Japan surrendered in August 1945, Nacompaton became an Allied Forces collection centre for ex-POWs who were either moved out via Bangkok to Singapore direct or via Rangoon to Singapore

Tom did 19 Nov 1981 aged 69 years and was buried Karrakatta.

Camp Locations:

  • Nacompaton, Nakom Pathom Hospital - Thailand
  • Non Pladuk, 0k - Thailand
  • Tarsau, Tha Sao 125k - Thailand