The Soldier's Details

First Name:
Nick Name:
Regimental #:
‘B’ Company, 7 Platoon
Place of Birth:
Perth, Western Australia
Father's Name:
Thomas Gorringe
Mothers's Name:
Eleanor Gorringe (nee Bugden)
Pre-war Occupation:
Selarang Camp and Barracks Changi
‘D’ Force Thailand, S Battalion
Camps Thailand:
Tarsau, Kanyu II, Chungkai, Nacompaton, Bangkok
4/6168 and 8783
Return Details 1945:
Thailand-Singapore by aircraft; Singapore-Fremantle HMT Circassia.

General Description

Syd and his older brother John Gorringe enlisted on 30th October 1940 and joined 2/4th MGB’s ‘B’ Company, Syd with 7 Platoon under CO Lt Dean and John was Sergeant in 8 Platoon under CO Lt McKinnon.  Syd had been residing at Hyden and John (known as Jack) was residing Kondinin.

Syd was included in the 2/4th Cricket Team

Syd also played cricket in the Hyden district before the war, as did several of his brothers.  Sadly his cricketing life after the war would have been challenging with an artificial leg.
Syd was selected withD’ Force S Battalion to work on the Thai-Burma Railway and left Singapore 14th March 1943.
The Gorringe family were very fortunate to have both their sons return home. However, their older brother Maurice was KIA Crete.
On 30th September 1943 Syd’s left leg was amputated below knee due to a tropical ulcer.  We now know this procedure took place at Chungkai Hospital Camp.
We acknowledge the document below is from Mansell’s website.


The above list is Chungkai Hospital Camp – Corringe and Baarbour are recorded as having had amputation as patients.


Gorringe was located at Nacompaton where he remained until the end of the war.  This Camp was located about 30 miles west of Bangkok.  It had been set up from December 1943 as a large hospital and convalescing camp.  Several 2/4th POWs who were involved in the construction of the camp included Eric Frazer  and Frank ‘Blue’ Evans.
Read about Nacompaton Hospital Camp.
Other 2/4th amputees at this camp included Tom Barbour, Eric Ryan and Allan Bamford.
Besides many amputees, POWs were sent to this camp to build up their strength following the completion of the Railway.  As their health improved slightly POWs were called out of Nacompaton in work parties.
When Japan surrendered in August 1945, Nacompaton became an Allied Forces collection centre for ex-POWs who were either moved out via Bangkok to Singapore direct or via Rangoon to Singapore.  
Major Bruce Hunt wrote of Syd”s volunteer work in a hospital where Hunt was.  Hunt said of Syd ‘displayed outstanding nursing ability’.   (Page 288 of Peter Winstanley’s Articles  about POWs of the Japanese – Including Burma-Thai Railway 1941-1945)




The Gorringe family originated from Surrey, England where his parents married about 1901.   Several of the older children were born in England. In total there were 10 children in the family with the younger ones being born in WA. John (Jack) and Syd were not the only family members to enlist; older brother Maurice George died in Crete April 1941 with 2/1st F.D. Coy. He was 31 years old. There were two daughters.   Violet aged 15 years died in 1921.
Below:  birth of 2nd daughter Kathleen in 1918.

Below:  Eleanor Gorringe regarding her son Alf Gorringe.




Syd’s mother Eleanor died in January 1947 and was buried Karrakatta.   She had been living in Hyden.
Syd married in 1947.  He and his wife Philomena ‘Beryl’ (nee Moss) resided in South Perth whilst Syd was employed as an artificial limb maker.  The couple then moved to Applecross and in 1970’s his brother John was also residing in Applecross.

Syd had at least two children – Marian Kaye and David Anthony.


Below:  Syd’s father Thomas is injured in a bus accident.

He died in 1951.

Above:  the death notice for Maurice Gorringe from his father Thomas.  Several facts appear to point to a fracture in the marriage of Thomas and Eleanor.
In 1958 Electoral Roll Syd and Beryl were residing 3 Warrego Street, South Perth and he was working for the Artificial Limb Assoc.  That same year his brother John was also residing in South Perth.
In 1977 Electoral Roll Syd and Beryl were residing
Canning Highway, Applecross with their two children Marian and David.  John was also residing Applecross.
Syd died in Sep 1978 aged 62 years and was buried Karrakatta.  His wife died 30 Jan 2002 at Maylands aged 84 years.

Camp Locations:

  • Selarang Barracks Changi - Singapore
  • Selarang Camp Changi - Singapore
  • Chungkai, 60k - Thailand
  • Nacompaton, Nakom Pathom Hospital - Thailand