Affidavit Tom Hampton

WX9405 Tom HAMPTON’s Affidavit of his time at Chungkai POW Camp 27 July to 27 August 1944 when he reported conditions were not too bad.  His Affidavit  was regarding a beating he received from Japanese Lieut. Kokobu who tore off Hampton’s Warrant Officer badge telling him to work – POW Officers were exempt from working.  Hampton had taken a work party to the Camp Commander’s garden.  He had been hit about the head with a wooden sword.  Hampton then discovered other officers had been treated likewise.
He returned in Jan 1945 until the end of the war to find conditions had deteriorated greatly, the numbers of POWs had grown and there was not sufficient accommodation particularly for the sick.  The hospital camp was small, with very little quinine and bandages.  There were large numbers of POWs suffering blackwater fever and malaria, but could only provide quinine for the very worst cases. After two weeks, the Japanese provided two large sheds, however overcrowding generally continued.
POWs were desperate for quinine and bandages.  They  were provided very little.  The POWS discovered the large stores of quinine, bandages, etc when the surrender was announced – as with everywhere the Japanese stockpiled medicines and POW food parcels.
Food was only just sufficient to feed the POWs.
POWs were sent on work parties to build a bund around camp, anti-aircraft defences, gun-pits, etc. (preparation for Allied assault) and to repair bombed bridges.  During parades the Japanese would take obviously sick men to make up the numbers demanded by work parties.
The Japanese selecting these work parties were Lieut. NOBOSWA (alias ‘Kobby’) and Medical Officer Sgt-Major EDA.  Selecting men without consulting POW Doctors as to the well-being of the men.  Sick men were working every day.  Chungkai Camp Commander was Colonel ISHI.