with 16 PLATOON (27 men)  Supported 2/19th Battalion on the north west coastline of Singapore 8th Feb 1942.






Platoon Sergeant: 
\WX9282 Sgt SKINNER, Francis Kenneth Herbert Lost his life when ‘Rakuyo’ Maru sank 12 Sept in South China Sea.
WX10609 Sgt J V Colevas  (moved to 16 Platoon)


WX9282 Cpl HORN, ‘Trader’ Douglas Radcliffe Was captured on west coast of Singapore in the vicinity of Sungei Berih. Returned to Changi.
WX7757 Cpl  WELLS, Hugo Clarence 
‘A’ Force to Burma.  ‘Awa’ Maru Party to Japan to Omuta Camp, Japan.  Recovered from Japan at end of war.


WX7611 BARR Robert Shipley –  Possibly travelling in an ambulance.   Believed to have been executed by Japanese about 15 Feb.
WX12469 BLACKBORROW, John Harold – KIA West Coast Singapore on 9 Feb.
WX7418 BROWNE, Maurice  Lester (Moved 16 Platoon, KIA14 Mile Peg Lim Chu Kang Road)
WX8123 CHILVERS, Herbert Alfred Thomas ‘E’ Force Borneo. d. malaria 31 Mar 1945 Sandakan aged 33 years.
WX7122 CLANCY, James Patrick  Admitted AGH suffering Shell Shock and leg wound on 11 Feb.    Discharged to Unit 26 Feb. Japan ‘B Party to Korea.  Recovered from Hoten Camp at end of war.
WX9004 CRYER, Albert – ‘D’ Force Thailand S Battalion d. typhus Kanu I River Camp 28 Jul 1943. Aged 32 years.
WX7299 DOYLE, Thomas Francis  Blackforce – Java.  Java Party No. 4 Williams Force to Railway.  Recovered from Thailand at end of war.
WX7620 EDWARDS, T H (moved 16 Platoon, DOW Hill 200. Ulu Pandan)
WX9497 EVANS, Benjamin (moved to 16 Platoon)
WX7213 HADDEN Gilbert Valentine ‘D’ Force Thailand  Battalion.  Recovered from Ubon Camp at end of war.
WX6975 HAM, Reginald John ‘Blackforce’ Java.  Java Party No. 4 Williams Force to Railway.  Recovered from Thailand at the end of war.
WX7987 HANCOCK, George – ‘A’ Force Burma Green Force No.3 Battalion. to Burma end of Railway.  Recovered from Thailand at end of war.
WX5206 HICKS, William WIA 15 Feb Buona Vista evacuated with shrapnel wound to median nerve of left arm. Discharged to unit on 27 April 42.  Recovered from Singapore at the end of war.  
WX6778 HILLS, John Bedford -‘D’ Force S Battalion.  Suffered with Malaria much of the time and hence spent time in POW Camp Hospitals. Recovered from Thailand.
WX7022 HOPE, Edwin  James  – WIA Hill 200 Ulu Pandan with gunshot wounds to left elbow. Discharged to Unit 24 Feb.  Worked on Burma end of Railway with ‘A’ Force.  Recovered from Thailand at end of war.
WX7646 HUTCHISON Robert Bamford WIA 12 Feb received shrapnel would to his back.  Lost his life when ‘Rakuyo’ Maru sank 12 Sept South China Sea.
WX7510 JONES Alfred James – Wales Maru Party to Japan and Kobe POW Camp.  Recovered from Japan at end of war.
WX7234 JONES Ivor William – ‘F’ Force Thailand.  d.beri beri 14 Nov 1943 Kami Sonkurai POW Camp, Thailand aged 43 years.
WX16391 KLUTH Gerry Brown ‘D’ Force S Battalion d. Cholera Kanu II Camp 5 Jul 1943 aged 23 years.  Gerry had been a champion junior cyclist.  He lived most of his formative years living Wiluna.  Gerry was close mates with ‘Trader’ Horn.
WX8767 LAKEMAN Percival Henry Charlesshell shocked at Buona Vista on 14 Feb. ‘D’ Force Thailand S Battalion  d. malaria Kanu I River Camp, Thailand aged 44
WX7320 POYSER Leslie Andrew – ‘D’ Force S Battalion d. Amoebic dysentery avitaminosis at Chungkai Hospital Camp 21 Oct 43 aged 37 years.
WX9497 EVANS Benjamin (Moved to 16 Platoon). Shell Shocked Buona Vista 13 Feb and evacuated on 15 Feb.  ‘F’ Force to Thailand, returned to Singapore to Woodlands Hospital.  Returned to Australia.
WX7441 LEWIS (No.16 Platoon – Developed encephalitis, Drs predicated he would not recover.  Remained Singapore seriously ill and RTA without several complications including loss of voice and other heath issues)


WX7204 L/Cpl LYNN Walter (Wally) Ernest worked Burma end of railway with ‘A’ Force Burma, Green Force No. 3 Battalion.  Recovered from Thailand at end of war.
WX7239 MALTHOUSE John William shell shock at Ulu Pandan 12 Feb, evacuated to AGH and discharged 20 Feb. ‘A’ Force to Burma end of Railway.  Recovered from Thailand at end of war.
WX5175 MANN Eric Horsley ‘D’ Force Thailand S Battalion to work on Railway.  Selected to work in Japan with ‘Both’ Party, but remained behind in Singapore where he was recovered from.
WX7981 O’MEARA Joseph Patrick  – WIA Buona Vista 14 Feb evacuated with shrapnel to left thigh.  Discharged to unit 28 Feb. ‘D’ Force Thailand S Battalion.  Recovered from Thailand at end of war.
WX7634 OSBORNE Sydney Albert – WIA Ulu Pandan evacuated with shrapnel wounds to his back, shoulder and left buttock.  Discharged 7 Mar to Unit.
WX9764 POULTON Bertram  Frederick – ‘D’ Force Thailand S Battalion.  Sent Japan on ‘Rashin’ Maru Party to Omuta Camp.  Recovered from Japan at end of war.
WX7509 RODDA, Arthur William (Billy)  WIA 13 Feb received shrapnel wound to leg however remained on duty.  ‘D’ Force to Thailand S Battalion.  Rodda suffered repeated malaria attacks.  Died of malaria 20 Feb 45 at Nacompaton Hospital Camp aged 44 years.
WX6441 SMITH Alexander Julian – V Battalion to work on Burma-Thai Railway then Both Party to Saigon.  Recovered from French Indo China at end of war.
WX12252 SMITH, Jack Edward ‘A’ Force to Burma end of Railway.  Recovered Thailand at end of war.
WX14495 STUART, W G R (transf 16 Platoon. ) KIA 9/21942 Lim Chu Kang Road)
WX6623 THOMAS, David  William ‘A’ Force Burma Green Force No. 3 Battalion.  Selected to work in Japan.  Lost at sea when ‘Rakuyo’ Maru sank 12 Spt 1944 aged 23 years.
WX7480 THOMAS William Llewellyn  – Shell shocked Hill 200 Ulu Pandan and evacuated with minor shrapnel wounds to both legs on 13 Feb.  ‘D’ Force Thailand S Battalion to railway & recovered from Thailand at end of war.
WX15897 TOOVEY Francis Andrew WIA Hill 200 Ulu Pandan on 12 Feb.  Hit by shrapnel left and right arms, abdomen was evacuated to AGH.  Spent entire war hospitalised in Singapore.  He died Hollywood Hospital 9 November 1945 aged 27 years.
WX9870 WESTLAKE, Percival ‘Percy’ Leonard – ‘D’ Force Thailand S Battalion to Hellfire Pass Cutting.  Recovered from Thailand at end of war.
WX8110 L/Cpl WINTER Alfred Daly – ‘A’ Force Burma to work Burma end of railway.  Selected to work in Japan.  Sailed on ‘Rakuyo’ Maru and survived sinking to be be recoverd by USS Pampanitio after four days in the water. One lucky man.
WX5073 WOOD, Thomas Ashton (transferred 16 Ptn listed as missing 9 Feb 1942 – escaped to Java and recovered from there at end of war)
WX5204 WORSDELL, Harold James ‘H’ Force Group No. 3 o Thailand on Burma-Thai Railway.  Recovered from Singapore at the end of the war.
WX7440 WORTH, Alfred – ‘D’ Force Thailand S Battalion to work on Burma-Thai Railway.  Selected to work in Japan on ‘Rashin’ Maru.  Sent to Ohama Camp 9B.  Recovered from Japan at the end of the war.
24 Men Standing
1 X Executed  (Barr)
1 X KIA (Blackborrow)
1 X Captured (Corp Horn returned to Unit at Changi)
9 x  WIA and Shell Shocked

Of all ‘D’ Companies, 14 Platoon fare the best.


Please read the Fall of Singapore Address 12 Feb 2023