Tamuang POW Camp, Thailand 17 August 1944 Australian Rules Football

Tamuang POW Camp, Thailand 17 August 1944

The names of the team provided by former POW of Japan Joe Pearce WX9269 from 2/4th MGB to ‘Borehole Bulletin’ Dec 2001.  Joe was an extraordinarily talented West Australian sportsman prior to his time spent as POW of Japan.  Incredibly, he was able to return to highest level of AFL Footy played in West Australia.  It took Joe at least a year or two to recover and to reach his past performance level.

WA and Tasmania versus the Rest of Australia

Won by WA and Tasmania


Holloway Tas
Tapping WA
Basil WA
Cannon Tas
McCullock Tas
Pearce (Capt) WA
Tunks Tas
Bradley Tas
Green WA
Bonzer WA
Plunkett Tas
Reibe WA
Simmons WA
Butcher Tas
Payne WA
O’Meara WA
Neville WA
Howard Tas
Were there bets placed on winning team?  You bet!
Without doubt  – the Aussies would bet on any event!