The Soldier's Details

First Name:
Robert Stuart
Regimental #:
Taken on Strength from 2/9th Field Ambulance 2.4.1942
Place of Birth:
Lakemba, New South Wales
Father's Name:
Frederick William Goulden
Mothers's Name:
Mary Goulden
Pre-war Occupation:
Thanbyuzayat War Cemetery, Plot A12, Row B, Grave 11, Age 24.
Selarang Camp Changi
'A' Force Burma Green Force No. 3 battalion
Camps Burma:
Victoria Point.
Pre issue of POW Numbers at Victoria Point
Cause of Death:
Japanese firing squad
Place of Death:
Victoria Point Aerodrome Camp, Burma
Date of Death:
Christian Cemetery Victoria Point, Grave No. 30

General Description

Goulden embarked at Sydney on 10.1.1942 as 8/10 reinforcements for the Australian Army Medical Corps and was taken on strength at Singapore on 2 April 1942 with  2/9th Field Ambulance. He was transferred to 2/4th Machine Gun Battalion so that Claude Webber could transfer across to 2/9th Field Ambulance to join his brother George.
Private Goulden was reported missing from Victoria Point Aerodrome Camp, Burma from 1000 hours on 8.7.1942. He escaped from the Camp and days later surrendered to Burmese Police and then to the Japanese.
Witnessed by Major Green of 2/4th Lieutenant Francis G. MacCaffrey, Lieutenant Arthur Henry Watson and another officer, Goulden was executed by Japanese Firing Squad at 1200 hours on 12/7/1942. Robert Stuart Goulden who was married, tragically died without knowing he had a son, Howard Stuart Goulden born 6/3/1942.  His wife, Agnes Virginia Goulden was residing at Lakemba, NSW.
Father Corry conducted his funeral service at Victoria Point.
Further reading for ‘A’ Force and death of Robert Goulden


Robert Stuart Goulden
Robert Stuart Goulden


Thanbyuzayat War Cemetery, Burma
Thanbyuzayat War Cemetery, Burma
Goulden’s body was exhumed from the Christian Cemetery Victoria Point and re-interred at Thanbuzyat on 8 May 1946.
Pte Robert Goulden and Mrs A. Virginia Goulden
Below:  Robert Goulden with his niece Margaret (Peg) Goulden with whom he was very close.
(Peg Goulden married Lawrence Cook who provided personal information to Murray Ewen, ‘Colour Patch’)


Above:  Robert Goulden’s brother holds Howard.

According to relative Lawrence Cook, Robert Goulden always imagined he would have a daughter, he would have been happily surprised when his son Howard Stuart Goulden was born 6 March 1942 at Lakemba, NSW.
Howard Goulden later married and had four children.  He died in a motor bike accident near Molong NSW 24 February 1977.  He was survived by his wife Barbara, nee Roth, three  children; Penelope, Deanne and Christopher (Oliver had died in infancy). Apparently Howard’s father Robert also had a love of motor bikes.

The following 3 items are from AWM website:






Please read further about Goulden

Camp Locations:

  • Selarang Camp Changi - Singapore
  • Victoria Point, Kawthoung - Burma. \'A\' Force, Green Force No. 3 Btn