The Soldier's Details

First Name:
Wilford Neville
Nick Name:
Regimental #:
Battalion Headquarters
Place of Birth:
Midland Junction, Western Australia
Father's Name:
Stepfather - George Rodwell
Mothers's Name:
Gladys Beryl Matson
Church of England
Pre-war Occupation:
Postal Assistant
Selarang Camp Changi, Thomson Road (Caldecot Hill Estate Camp), River Valley Road Camp, Selarang Barracks Changi
'D' Force Thailand, V Battalion
Camps Thailand:
Kinsaiyok, Brankassi, Hindaine, Kuii, Tamuang, Tamajao (line maintenance party), Tamarkan, Non Pladuk, Tamuang, Non Pladuk, Wampo-Tavoy Escape Road (evacuated sick Kanchanburi), Nacompaton Hospital (ex-Tavoy 22.5.1945) Bangkok
Return Details 1945:
Thailand-Rangoon by aircraft, Rangoon-Singapore, HMT Highland Brigade, Singapore-Fremantle, HMT Circassia.

General Description



Pilmoor, Unknown, Matson
Pilmoor, Unknown, Matson

Tom Pilmoor & Neville Matson

Matson & Tom Pilmoor WX17393


Neville was selected as POW Singapore to work on Burma-
Thai Railway with ‘D’ Force Thailand, V Battalion.  This Battalion departed Singapore Railway Station about mid March 1943 crowded into small carriages on a 4 day ‘trying’ journey to Thailand.  ‘Trying’ is appropriate because V Battalion was to endure 50% death rate and a dreadful time – separated from all  of ‘D’ Force Battalions their work camps included being with large numbers of Dutch East Indies POWs who dictated distribution of food and work, leaving the Australians with a definite unfair advantage.
Please read further about V Battalion.
Once the rail link was completed (end of 1943)  Matson was selected from Tamuang Camp with a maintenance line party to work at Tamajao.
Also read about Wampo-Tavoy Escape Road



Below:  Matson attended school at Katanning.

Below:  Matson is selected to represent Katanning School at Carnival.



Below:  From Great Southern Herald 22 Jan 1941





Neville’s mother Gladys Beryl Matson married George Rodwell Perth 1941.  She died at Katanning 1966.
After the war, Neville returned to his pre-war employer, the Post Office and continued to do so until his retirement.





He married Joan Elaine White about 1948.



In the Electoral Rolls of 1949 the couple are residing Mt Barker.



They must have moved to Waroona soon after, as we find them listed in social pages during early to mid 1950s.


Below:  Harvey-Murray Times  14 August 1953


1958 – Mandurah, 1972 Roebourne where Neville is Postmaster, 1980 back to Mandurah where Neville is now Postmaster.
In 1972, Neville and his wife Joan were living in Roebourne.  He had about another 12 months working  at the Roebourne Post Office before returning to live in Perth.  (information Borehole Bulletin Jan 1972).
The couple had two sons and one daughter.
Neville died 21 March 1997 at Mandurah.  Joan (nee White) who was born Corrigin 1929, died at Mandurah about 2016.




Camp Locations:

  • River Valley Road Camp - Singapore
  • Selarang Barracks Changi - Singapore
  • Selarang Camp Changi - Singapore
  • Thomson Road (Caldecot Hill Estate Camp) - Singapore
  • Brankassi, Prang Kasi, 208k - Thailand
  • Hindaine, Kui Mang 200k - Thailand
  • Kinsaiyok Main, 170.2k - Thailand
  • Nacompaton, Nakom Pathom Hospital - Thailand
  • Non Pladuk, 0k - Thailand
  • Tamarkan, Tha Makham 56k - Thailand
  • Tamajao, Tha Mayo, 238k - Thailand
  • Tamuang, Tha Muang 39k - Thailand
  • Wampo, Wang Pho 114k - Thailand ***