‘C’ Company 10 Platoon





WIA  Reformatory Road, Ulu Pandan 11 Feb 1942.  Received shrapnel would to his neck, admitted to AGH and returned to unit 21 Feb 1942.
Departed with first work party out of Singapore – ‘A’ Force Burma, Green Force to work on the Burma end of the railway. He was recovered from Tamarkan, Thailand at the end of the war.



Departed Singapore with ‘H’ Force Thailand, H6 Officers Party Returned to Changi Road Gaol, Singapore from where he was recovered at the end of war.



WIA 0900 hours 12 Feb 1942 Reformatory Road, Ulu Pandan. Received gunshot wound to right thigh, another to his lower left femur and three gunshot wounds to left leg.  Transferred to AGH.
Fullerton remained Singapore throughout war, however was with X Party in the last year before being recovered from Changi Gaol at end of war.






Above:  Fuhrmann and Fidge


WX239 CPL J.R. ABERLE – KIA 11 Feb 1942 Ulu Pandan, he was 21 years old.

WC7618 CPL L.N. HOLTZMAN – departed Singapore wih first work party – ‘A’ Force Burma, Green Force to work on the Burma end of the railway. Evacuated from Burma to Tamarkan, Thailand from where he was considered fit and selected to work in Japan. Railed back to Singapore and sailed ‘Awa’ Maru to Japan.  Worked and recovered from Omuta Mining Camp when war ended.

WX7608 CPL CHRIS McLENNAN – left Singapore to Burma-Thailand Railway Hellfire Pass area with ‘D’ Force Thailand S Battalion.  Recovered from Nacopaton, Thailand at end of war.



WX87622 ABLETT Norman Leslie  (Norm) A’ Force Burma Green Force to work Burma end of Railway.  Then sent to work Japan with ‘Awa’ Maru Party at Omuta Mines from where he was recovered.

WX8245 ADAMS Edwin Thomas – sailed to Java. Recovered from Japan working at Niihama mines.

WX9123 ANDERSON Cyril William Max ‘B’ Force to Borneo.  Died illness Sandakan 16 June 1945.

WX8140 BAXTER Francis John (Slew) ‘F’ Force Thailand, Survived to return Changi Gaol Camp from where he was recovered.

WX11573 BREEZE Gordon Guyton L/Corporal‘D’ Force Thailand S Battalion.  Recovered from Nacompaton at end of war.

WX7629 BUGG Frederick died 29 Sept 1941 Woodside Camp, South Australia.  Whilst no evidence of foul play, nor was the cause determined.  Aged 27 years.

WX7542 BURDON  Gregory Lachlan (Greg) – departed Singapore to work on Burma-Thai Railway with D’ Force Thailand, V  Battalion. Recovered and flown out of Kachu Mountain Camp, Thailand at the end of the war.

WX7611 BURSLEM George Nathaniel‘D’ Force Thailand, S Battalion to work on Hellfire Pass region.  Recovered from Linson Wood Camp, Thailand at the end of the war.

WX6155 BRYNE Leo Patrick ‘Paddy’ – Java with ‘Blackforce’ when admitted hospital 18 Feb 1942-25 Feb 1942.   Embarked on H.M. Hospital ship ‘Wuseh’ sailed to Columbo 4 March 1942.  Returned to Melbourne, Australia and discharged June 1942.  Killed in mining accident 1954.

WX8192 CARLISLE Robert James – KIA vicinity Reformatory Road, Ulu Pandan 11 Feb 1942 aged 28 years.

WX9551 CARROLL Frank Vincent – Java – Blackforce – remained in Java and recovered from here at end of war.

WX7163 CLARE John KIA Ulu Pandan 11 Feb 1942 aged 32 years.

WX7599 DYSON Aubrey Henry – worked Burma Thai Railway Hellfire Pass with ‘D’ Force Thailand S Battalion.  ‘Rashin’ Maru to Japan.  Recovered at end of war from Niihama Mines, Japan.

WX7606 GODFREY Richard Edward –  Transferred at Singapore to ‘E’ Coy.  KIA 11 Feb 1942 South-West Bukit Timah  by Japanese patrol whilst fetching water for Lt Warhurst following his wounding. Godfrey was 22 years old.

WX7246 HADFIELD Ralph William – Rangetaker.  ‘D’ Force Thailand S Battalion to Hellfire Pass Cutting.  Sent to work Japan with ‘Rashin’ Maru to Yamane and Niihama.  Recovered from Niihama, Japan.

WX8250 HALBERT Francis (Frank) Left Singapore with ‘F’ Force Thailand.  Died Cholera Shimo Sonkurai, Thailand  4 June 1943 aged 35 years.

WX11202 HAYES Keith Thomas – Driver.  KIA Hill 200, Ulu Pandan 12 Feb 1942 aged 22 years.

WX7462 HENDERSON Clarence Gordon – Java, Blackforce. ‘D’ Force Thailand Hellfire Pass region.  Sent to work ‘Rashin’ Mau Party to Japan.  Recovered from Ormine Divisional Camp No. 6 coal mining from where he was recovered.

WX5181 HOWELL Kenneth Jack –  KIA  by mortar bomb 11 Feb 1942 West Ulu Pandan aged 28 years.

WX10931 HUMMERSTON Laurence Slade‘D’ Force Thailand V Battalion to work on the railway.  Evacuated from Kinsayok due to work accident to Chungkai. Then selected from Non Pladuk to work in Japan with ‘Aramis’ Party. He was recovered from Japan at end of war from Omuta Mining Camp.

WX9433  JONES NormanD’ Force Thailand S Battalion at Hellfire Pass Cutting.  Died illness Chungkai Hospital Camp 11 Nov 1943 aged 37 years.

WX4917 LEITH John Bremner‘H’ Force Thailand to Burma-Thai Railway.  Returned to Singapore’s Sime Road Camp then Changi Gaol where he was recovered.

WX7760 MANNING Donald ThomasD’ Force Thailand V Battalion. Died Kuii Camp, Thailand of illness 22 Oct 1943 aged 28 years.

WX7124 MARRIOT Leslie James –  ‘D’ Force Thailand V Battalion. Recovered from Bangkok where he was working on go-downs when the war ended.

WX9296 MATHESON Donald Angus, Driver ‘A’ Force Burma Green Force to work Burma end of Railway.  Died illness Augganaung 105 km Hospital Camp, Thailand aged 36 years.

WX8261 McASKIL Robert Ramsay – Blackforce Java.  Java Party No 20 to Sumatra.  Victorian born Bob died 28 Mar 1945 of illness Sumartra Railway aged 44 years.

WX5163 McDONALD Colin Keith‘A’ Force Burma Green Force to work Burma end of Railway.  Evacuated to Thailand then recovered from Nacompaton when war ended.

WX8478 McGLINN Francis Thomas (Frank)
WIA Hill 200, Ulu Pandan on 11 Feb 1942 admitted AGH with shrapnel wound to left foot.  Discharged 26 Feb 1942.  ‘D’ Force Thailand, S Battalion to Hellfire Pass region.  Sent to work Japan with ‘Rashin’ Maru.  Recovered from Niihama Mines, Japan.

WX71138 McKAY William (Bill)‘D’ Force Thailand V Battalion to Burma-Thai Railway.  Died Brankassi Camp of illness 23 Sep 1943.


WX8012 MOIR Kevin George – WIA at Hill 200 Ulu Pandan with gunshot wound to his arm.  Sent to work on Railway with ‘D’ Force Thailand S Battalion to Hellfire Pass Cutting.  Died Cholera Hintok River Camp 7 Aug 1943 aged 24 years.

WX8200 MORRIS William Richard – Evacuated sick ex Java.  Embarked HMT ‘Stirling Castle’ from Ceylon 13 Mar 1942 to Melbourne arriving 28 March 1942.
TOS with 2/3rd MGB 20 May 1942.  Evacuated hospital 25 Nov 1942 following explosives accident.  Rt-hand amputatedabove wrist 9 Feb 1944.


WX7621 REEVES William Walter – ‘D’ Force Thailand S Battalion to Hellfire Pass Region of railway.  Recovered from Petchaburi at the end of war.

WX6799 RICKETTS Ernst‘A’ Force Burma, Green Force to Burma end of Railway.  Recovered from Kachu Mountain Camp, Thailand at end of war.

WX7256 SAWYER Thomas Keith – worked Railway Burma end with ‘A’ Force Burma, Green Force.  Recovered from Nakom Nayok, Thailand at the end of war.

WX7576 SIMMONDS Norman Edward
Captured Blackforce Java, To Burma-Thai Railway with ‘D’ Force Thailand, Java Party No. 6 P Battalion.  Recovered from Nakom Nayok, Thailand when war ended.

testing search

WX9829 WEBB Frederick William (Fred)‘A’ Force Burma, Green Force to work on Burma end of Railway.  Sent to work Japan with ‘Rakuyo’ Maru – perished in South China Sea 12 Sep 1944 when ship was torpedoed by American submarines.  22 years.


WX7641 WENN Stanley Keith (Mick) – ‘J’ Force to Japan with ‘Wales’ Maru Party.  Recovered from Notogawa Camp, Japan.

WX8814 WHITE Clive Wharton‘D’ Force Thailand S Battalion to Hellfire Pass region.  Recovered from Nakom Nayok, Thailand.


By the morning of 11 Feb the position of the 22nd Brigade has worsened.  Remnants of the Indian units and X Battalion had begun to drift in and heavy firing had broken out to the North and Northwest of Reformatory Road (from the attack on Merrett Force).
‘C’ Company from 2/4th was initially sent to reinforce 44th Indian Brigade on south west coast of Singapore. The men  did not really see action until 11 Feb when sent to support 22 Bde and take up battle stations behind Reformatory Road north of Ulu Pandan Road junction.  By dawn they were under fire from mortars and small arms and were suffering casualties.
Later in the morning they were relieved by Indian troops and moved into new positions.  Enemy mortars were again active and this barrage kept up for most of the day.  There were further casualties – up until this time 6 men had been killed and 5 wounded including 10 Platoon Sgt Rod Fullerton.

(The above is taken from ‘Ghosts in Khaki’ by Les Cody.)

The five deaths are:
WX129 Robert James Carlisle was KIA vicinity of Reformatory Rd, Ulu Pandan 11 2 1942.
WX7263 John Clare KIA Ulu Pandan 11 Feb 1942
WX5181 Pte Kenneth Jack Howell 10 Platoon was KIA West Ulu Pandan by a mortar bomb 11 Feb 1942
WX17706 Alf Cunningham from 11 Platoon was wounded 11 Feb at Jurong Road, sent to an Indian RAP and was never heard of again.
WX9330 Squire, Dudley Joseph 10 Platoon KIA Hill 200, Ulu Pandan  with Hayes on 12 Feb 1942.
WX11202 HAYES Keith Thomas –   KIA Hill 200, Ulu Pandan 12 Feb 1942 with Dudley Squire.


WX239 CPL J.R. ABERLE – 10th Platoon KIA 11 Feb 1942 Ulu Pandan, aged 21 years
Other ‘C’ Company Soldiers KIA
WX9755 L/Cpl Len Helliwell:
From ‘C’ Company HQ, KIA Hill 200 12 Feb 1942 aged 43 years.
WX12628 OLIVER, Stirling John from ‘C’ Company HQ, KIA Ulu Pandan 11 Feb 1942.
WX9828 Adams, Arthur Alfred  – 11 Platoon KIA 11 Feb 1942 Ulu Pandan.
WX11584 Case, William Cecil 11 Platoon – KIA 12 
Feb 1942 Hill 200, Ulu Pandan
WX7166 WERRETT Herbert Stanley 11 Platoon – MIA 11 Feb 1942 Ulu Pandan.  DOW Alexander Hospital 14 Feb 1942
WX9887 Mussman, Alfred Charles (Alf) 11 Platoon – KIA 11 Feb 1942 Refomatory Road, Ulu Pandan with a wound to his head.
WX9197 PEERS, John Edgar 12 Platoon WIA Hill 200, Ulu Pandan DOW 6 March 1942 AGH Roberts Barracks.
WX8646 SPOUSE Arthur Percival L/Cpl 12 Platoon KIA possibly Hill 200 Ulu Pandan 12 Feb 1942 aged 21 years.




CO Lt Wilson was WIA with shrapnel to his neck 11
Feb 1942 Reformatory Rd, Ulu Pandan.
Sgt Fullerton 11 Feb 1942 at 0900 hours Reformatory Rd, Ulu Pandan was evacuated with several gunshot wounds to his legs.
WX8478 McGLINN Francis Thomas (Frank)
WIA Hill 200, Ulu Pandan 11 Feb 1942 admitted AGH with shrapnel wound to left foot.
WX8012 MOIR Kevin George – WIA 12 Feb 1942 at Hill 200 Ulu Pandan with gunshot wound to his arm.



WX8200 Bill Morris and WX6155 Paddy Byrne were evacuated from Java to Ceylon prior to Java surrendering to Japanese.  Both men returned to Australia. Paddy Byrne was killed in mining accident at Goldfields 1954.


Platoon strength was then 20 men plus one section from 11 Platoon under Sgt Sturtridge who had been wounded but remained on duty.  The only bright spot being the numerous low level bombing attacks by the enemy which missed their target and inflicted damage on their own troops.
At 1500 the platoon was again relieved by Indian troops and moved back to Buona Vista Fort.  It was here they enjoyed their first meal for the day and rejoined the Battalion which had moved up to support 22nd Brigade.
The 22nd Battalion HQ with CO Brigadier Taylor had also come under attack early in morning of 11th Feb.  The enemy was repulsed after a counter attack and bayonet charge resulting in several wounded and dead.
Brig.Taylor wrote in his war diary he had used the only reserve available – a small force under Major Robertson.
Battalion HQ then withdrew first to junction of Ulu Pandan and Holland Roads and then a further half mile south-west.